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Anchora Approximation DeviceTM

Making suturing simple!

Investigational device, not available yet for sale

Minimal invasive suturing is a technically complex and time-consuming procedure. The Su2ura ® Approximation Device is a unique, sterile single-use device, it is indicated in endoscopic surgery for the placement of interrupted or running stitches in soft tissue.

The device incorporates tiny stainless steel anchors threaded on a surgical thread creating either running or interrupted sutures in the tissue.

Single trigger suture deployment

  • Continuous sutures
  • Adjustable size
  • Tightening by an embedded ratchet

Anchor based sutures

  • Large anchoring surface area
  • Open loop design
  • Tiny T-tag anchors

Key Features

A disposable 5mm automatic device
Each device contains up to 20 sutures to cover a large suturing area
Each suture is based on a lightweight tiny anchor
One continuous line or several interrupted sets of sutures

Contact Us

Anchora Medical Ltd.  Corporate Headquarters: 1 Leshem St., Industrial Park, Caesarea 3088900, Israel





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